Yvonne Rainer


Found this on UBUweb.  Really interesting stuff with Ms. Rainer.  The clip is from 1966 and I think it is really amazing how she was able to create some film of her work that demonstrates such clear spatial depth.  Initially I got the feeling that her hand was moving on top of a flat white surface.  Only when she flips her hand do we see that her hand is actually free in space.

The clarity of the gesture is also really noteworthy.  I am currently working on a project where I am employing gesture and sign language to create and explore an entire movement language.  This piece will actually be quite valuable in writing my senior thesis, as it demonstrates a specificity that is characteristic of a language, except it is no longer verbal, but tactile.

This clip shows the idea of a movement language, but I think that it goes even further to the point where Rainer's fingers seem like individual people in a set space.  There are some random media effects that occur in the middle and give the viewer a sense of a passage of time for these "finger people."

Hopefully everyone in my class who is reading this and watched the video does not think that I am completely out of my mind, but I think the video is really interesting.  The fact that this earlier media dance if affecting my dance making process shows that to a certain extent, nothing is really ever "new;"  it is either rediscovered, reinvented, or reconsidered.

Also, I tried uploading my soundscore to freesound and I got it uploaded (I think).  I made all of the tags and then it said that my upload had to go through a "moderation" stage.  I have yet to find in the freesound search under any of my tags.  Any solutions?  Something I am missing?



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