dance with camera

I was on UBUWEB and came upon an article on film and video. It was called (Dance with Camera). Anything with the word dance in it, I end up reading so I thought it may be interesting!

What first interested me was all of the names I know of from the dance world. William Forsythe, Yvonne Rainer, John Cage and Merce Cunningham were just a few I noticed. Also, the Judson Church, I have read and learned more about through being a dance major.

Dance with Camera is something that does interest me in many ways. We have worked in some of our choreography classes on dance with video and I really enjoyed it. I know there are so many possibilities and creative and unique ways of filming or taking pictures.
Learning about these famous dance icons and how they used dance with camera is such an awesome project and idea to work with.
I would love to read more on this article, but it was unfortunately pretty short.

Dance with Camera includes works in which dance is a subject, or mode, used to explore broader themes of collaboration, narrative, structure, metaphor and abstraction. These works propose choreography for the camera lens: movement is designed for the area prescribed by the camera's frame; the ephemerality of live performance is fixed in time. The camera also allows close-ups that bring us in proximity to the dance, or in some cases, performs as a partner in unusual pas de deux. Photographic series freeze time while also expanding the notion of dance as a time-based medium. Editing techniques compress time and space, conjure dances impossible in real time, and even transform relatively static performers into dancers. Finally, the camera is not merely a recording device, but stage and audience simultaneously.

I really like this paragraph and how it talks about how many possible ways you can use dance and camera.


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