Some Thoughts on PD

I've found that the lingo is confusing but that is it incredibly fun to mess around with the different simulators. I mean, once you've figured out how to work it. Anyone else notice the Star Trek reference in B02 two-wave tables? Actually, I think with programming like this it is to be expected.

Also, I'm having fun in B03 tabread4 because if you set squeeze to somewhere around the 120's or 130's, and then just play with the frequency up and down, it sounds like that Youtube video of the cat yelling at another cat. (I'll provide the link. It's pretty amusing.

The C09 samplehold sounds like what is used to make the background music for a low budget mad scientist movie scene.

I like messing around with the different samples, it's interesting to try and see what makes one different from another. Sometimes the sounds are very subtle, like a slight change in how I can control it, while other times it is as different as a note that can be sustained, or one that is a beat that is just one hit. Like D07 additive, it sounds like a bell tower.

As I get farther along it gets increasingly more apparent where most sci-fi sound effects come from. This process of manipulating sounds. G07 shaker is clearly the lightsaber sound from Star Wars, H15 is the freakiness behind a zoom in out really fast shot, and I08 can be used to accentuate a shocking moment. That's just the images that come to mind anyway.


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