Merce Cunningham is obvi

I decided to go with something that I've always known about but never really looked into myself because I've always heard little bits and pieces...

Merce Cummingham Points In Space is almost an hour long video documentation of his process on UBUweb.

John Cage auditioned for glee club in the 6th grade and they told him he couldn't sing, so he called his score for the piece Voiceless Essay.

The camera men were considered to be dancing because of how much they had to run around and follow the dancers.

Merce's process is of trial and error. "performing for the camera is different performing on stage."

It takes almost an hour to perfect what is only a minute on the camera.

After going to school and working in compositional classes, he went to train with Martha Graham. He then met John Cage and was a solo artist. Shortly after he realized he wanted to be working with people, so he started choreographing on more than just himself.


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