AV Club

The AV Club show was definitely worth going to. Anyone who missed it was missing out on some really neat stuff. Visually, our professor led the way with some spectacular displays of lights and images to several music artists' performances. The other highlight visually, was the program created by one of our classmates that generated images based off of things you texted straight from your phone. You might type in Moon and images of all types and varieties would pop up relating to the moon on one of the 3 active screens.

Musically, the highlights for myself were a mashup/hiphop/electronic artist who went by LZZRKMMNDR. He belonged on stage in front of thousands. You could tell he loves the crowd and the crowd loves him. The goth infused band ARS PHOENIX was right up my alley. Their guitars mixed with drum machine beats created a sound only often found in the goth music scene. Both artists I would go to shows for again. It was definitely a great experience. Next time there is a show of that nature I will certainly be in attendance.


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