Finally... VST PLUG-INS

Hey guys,

So VST Plug-ins have been the bane of my existence for the past 3 days.   I have been in a battle royale with my webcam, plug-ins, and my computer; so far I have only conquered the plug-ins.  I was not able to figure out how to find them in Ableton after I unzipped them.  I had saved them to a special VST Plug-in folder on my desktop, but still no luck.  I went to the Ableton Help site and wandered around and found the problem.  In Ableton, you need to go to Options > Preferences > File Folder and then there will be a category called Plug-in sources.  You can select a custom folder for your VSTs and then use the little plug button on the main screen to find your VSTs.  WOOOOHHHOOOOO!!!  

After I figured out how to actually locate my downloads in Ableton, I played with some of the functions.  I grabbed a plug-in from MDSP called Flanger, which I semi-associated with Pd-extended, only easier.   There are fewer options which made it so much easier to understand.  You can select waveforms, such as a sine, saw, triangle, square, etc., and you can manipulate saturation, depth, delay, etc., etc.  I will not give up on Pd extended, but this was far easier to understand I must say.  I don't even know if they are the same idea, but it seems like it.  The plug-in shows up as an XY assignment panel so you can choose to make two effects proportional by putting them on opposing axes.  Still more playing to do, and I need to make my new track for class tomorrow!

Later gators!



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