Music Appreciation

Hello class!

I had the honor of helping with last week's AV Club and it has sparked an interest in doing some live music performance. I operated Humans need Lumens which was paired with the live music of Minim. Minim played very spare, elegant electronic music which worked very well with Humans need Lumens as a backdrop.  Humans need Lumens is written in Max/MSP. The actual patch allows you to take two digital
video clips and mix them with a myriad of effects. I have a copy of the patch on my laptop and I hope to make it react to MIDI data. For the performance with Minim I used a clip of a film of Maya Deren's as well as footage of a night sky.

Another factor in my interest in performance is Kanye West. Say whatever you want about his shenanigans  but I love listening to his work as a producer and an artist. I think he is incredibly creative and inventive. I really liked his recent performance at the MTV VMAs He rapped over looped samples using a drum machine like the one above. 


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