Music With Changing Parts Changes Perspectives

Pure and captivating, Phillip Glass's Music with Changing Parts is brilliant. The minimalism genre begins with this hour long piece and continues to influence artists in present day. The weary feeling it graces you with never seems to fade away as you can't ignore the twilight vibes pulsing around you. Glass's work has the ability to send you down a black and white spiral, similiar to the one in Alfred Hitchcock's film Vertigo, and takes you for the unexpected. I loved the ride. One can not help but assume he is a creative, mischievous man but to also consider his genius. He took huge jumps and leaps as an artist and explored all of his instruments. He wanted it all and I praise him for it.
While researching Phillip Glass I found some extremely interesting work he has done. One that I found in particular was much more of my taste than his twilight, weary tones of his Music With Changing Parts. He uses a softer tone, with the xylophone in his piece, Strung Out and it creates a beautiful, running under the sea feel, absolutely mezmerizing.


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