Phase Music

I am constantly reminding myself to stay open minded as I listen to the works of Steve Reich. I don't have much of a music background so I assume my ignorance is the cause for my massive aversion to phase music. The idea itself seems rather simple. Most revolutionary ideas are I suppose. I don't know if it is because my ear is untrained but majority of the pieces I listened to just sounded like a collision of sounds that could be compared to nails being dragged along a blackboard.
But, if I try to listen objectively, taking into account all the technical components it truly is brilliant. For two piano players to be playing the same phase side by side but on two different time scales amazes me. I have a hard time singing row, row, row your boat in a round. Time is only manipulated on one constant level in a round. In phase music the timing is constantly changing. This out of sync playing allows for some truly beautiful musical moments. Every now and then the two phases would run into each other creating a blissful musical surprise. I found myself listening on in hopes that i would be privy to more of these magical moments.
I am blown away by their ability to play two different things and not get throw off by what the other is doing.


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