sorry.  I lied to you guys in the video.  I tried to get Pd extended to play into my webcam but anytime I changed something besides the volume the sound would cut out.  o well.  maybe I can work with someone in class to understand this program better... I also tried to do another video blog about pd extended and that didn't work for some reason.

My main problems and questions involve the utility of this program.  Is it just for manipulation of our audio projects.  I feel if I could connect to the overall purpose of it I may be able to use it better.  Also, have clicked on the help button for several functions but unfortunately I am a novice at this and I didn't really understand the help topics.  I was able to do some basic playing with the audio examples as far as volume and pitch adjustment.  I was able to manipulate the wave frequencies and oscillations when I was able to identify that something did that.  I also played around with "bang" graphs.  I was able to hear myself making these manipulations but I did not understand what I was doing exactly.  Again, I clicked help, but it was over my head.  Any words of wisdom, are appreciated.



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