Warped Tour

I drove home for the weekend to go to Warped Tour. For those of you who don't know Warped Tour is the biggest pop punk/punk/ska concert of the year. There are usually 6 stages and 60+ bands.

At this concert I noticed the mass of interactivity. First of all twitter:

Twitter has taken over the world. To start I was getting text updates via twitter from : http://twitter.com/warped09. They were giving out passcodes that I would then say at an assigned tent to get free stuff. One tent gave me a free poster for following them on twitter. When the weather got bad I found out all the stages were delayed by 15 minutes, via twiter.

Second of all I was able to text them for a link to the online schedule: http://vans.m2ergo.com/. This allowed me to find out when bands were playing from my cell phone.

Tents were selling ringtones via text, and the mass of technology was astounding. I also noticed where a few years ago I'd go to a concert and cell reception would be impossible, now the towers are so powerful and numerous they can handle 30,000 people within a few miles of each other. This advant of digital culture was amazing.


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