Rhizome.org - Representation of a Digital Representaion of a Real Object

I was looking around the Rhizome.org site at all the various topics. I had to read about the sites history to fully understand what it was all about. There is so much information on the site I was wondering how all the topics had a relationship together. What I found out is that Rhizome is all about helping “emerging artist practices that engage technology.” After reading more about Rhizome, I saw how it would be easy to have so many different topics when dealing with technology and contemporary art. After looking around the site for a bit, I clicked on the 'Sculpture' heading and started to go through those articles. One topic peeked my interest and only because of taking Foundations of Digital Culture. It was a a store that had converted its layout and products to look like a what a store regularly looks like in Second Life. Where there were normally products they had large display ads showing what was for sale. These products could be purchased depending on what the daily Linden dollar/euro exchange rate was at the time. The proud owners wouldn't receive the real object, but another representation of the object on a flat two-dimensional piece of cardboard. They then could manually fold the cardboard to create the three-dimensional object. So it was a play on taking a representation of a digital representation of a real object, and all the quality and detail that is lost along the way.


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