Mid-term Reviews

Presentation reviews

Wayne Dawhirst

I would have liked to see pictures or a video of the highway you spoke of. Really didn't understand what your project was about mainly because I couldn't understand what you were saying some of the time because I couldn't hear you. 8/10

Nate- Machnima

Presentation had a lot of energy, interesting topic. I really enjoyed the machnima you showed us, the story was great and I know it was time consuming. Great project can't wait to see more. 10/10


In the beginning of the presentation I really couldn't hear what you were saying because of the background music. So I would suggest turning down the volume while presenting or speak a little louder. While showing how visuals and sounds were related a comparison between videos would have been nice. For example, you could have used the same video but had different sounds to allow us to experience the relationship of visuals and sounds. Overall the presentation was entertaining, creative and informative. 8 or 9/10

Donna Davis-

Very knowlegable on subject presenting. Statistics and facts used in your prestentation gave more crediblity to your presentation. Research is always good and I can't wait to hear the results in your final project. 9/10

John O'Hearn- Evidence of Frustration

This topic is very interesting to me because everyone can relate to it. We all have had that moment where we wanted to destroy our laptops, games, dvd players, or computers. Video showed with presentation was funny yet true because I've seen that kind of reaction plenty of times, nice choice in choosing the video. During the presentation I felt a little akward at times when I looked at you because I wasn't use to the speaker sitting while presenting, sitting with his/her back to the audience at that. 10/10

Ray Parkinson

Nice webpage. I actually went through your webpage before hand and I liked the graphic design of it. It was a very creative website and I was very interested because what you accomplished from strach was a task that I couldn't complete. Very envious of your graphic design skills. 9/10

Matthew-Terminal Tips

That was a great presentation. I enjoyed every part of it. I saw that done only a couple times in my life but that waswhile comcast was fixing my internet problems. 10/10

Aaron Binder

Digital Website The generator was a nice touch. I tried to create one but sadly I couldn't. Maybe you can teach me sometime. I also liked the snapshot video, it must have taken hundreds of images to create the effect of fighting. Could have choose a more original background. 8/10

Diego-Technology,Digital Culture

Nice video. Nice choice of video clips. This was an interesting video to watch and you could tell you put a lot of thought into what you were doing. I liked the man at the end of every video clip with the frowning face and shaking his head. 10/10

Kevina Lee-Youtubing as a form of communication

Just from the title alone I was interested. My main past time is watching videos on youtube.You could have rehearsed your presentation a little more, you knew what you were talking about but just didnt have the words to express it. Your website was very unique but at the same time a little plain. There wasn't that much activity on your website but overall I enjoyed the design of it. 8/10


The digital flipbooks were great. Me and a couple of my friends tried to create comics with stick figures but we could only use paper and pencil but we imagined something like you did. They really didn't have a storyline but they were humorous so i didn't really matter to me lol. A great action comic made of stick figures is called xaio xaio. 10/10

Collins Obinwa

Nice choice of project, that was going to be my original midterm project but I wanted to create my own webpage in the end so I changed. You could have made the head a little bigger to match the body a littlemore but overall it was a great snowman. 8/10

Tiva- Vocaloid

This is a great project. I never thought about a song that was made with digital voices. They sound great, just like the real thing. I loved the japanese music, especially the last song. I'm a dancer and those are same great tunes to dance to. Enjoyed 10/10

Nick- Video Podcasting and Vlog

I had never heard of vlogging until your presentation and I think it is a very interesting topic. I feel like there should be more activities and places for the Deaf community, like movie theatres which play all their movies with captions. 9/10

Teressa- Webpage
Loved the design of your webpage, your drawings were nice, and you should join my site if you like art. Liked your presentation and I liked your touch screen laptop was very nice. 9/10

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