I Ching

The answer to your question, "Why isn't there peace in the world?" is:
July 29, 2009
35. Chin - Progress -----
-- -- above Li The Clinging, Flame
-- --
-- -- below K'un The Receptive, Earth
-- --
The Judgement
Progress. The powerful prince
Is honored with horses in large numbers.
In a single day he is granted audience three times.
The Image
The sun rises over the earth:
The image of Progress.
Thus the superior man himself
Brightens his bright virtue.
Changing Lines
Changing yin at the bottom means:
Progressing, but turned back.
Perseverance brings good fortune.
If one meets with no confidence, one should remain calm.
No mistake.
Changing yin in the second place means:
Progressing, but in sorrow.
Perseverance brings good fortune.
Then one obtains great happiness from one's ancestress.
Changing yin in the third place means:
All are in accord. Remorse disappears.
Changing yang in the fourth place means:
Progress like a hamster.
Perseverance brings danger.
Changing yin in the fifth place means:
Remorse disappears.
Take not gain and loss to heart.
Undertakings bring good fortune.
Everything serves to further.
Changing yang at the top means:
Making progress with the horns is permissible
Only for the purpose of punishing one's own city.
To be conscious of danger brings good fortune.
No blame.
Perseverance brings humiliation.

Most of this made sense to me, some parts required a little more thinking compared to others but overall I think it was a great answer to my question.


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