Midterm Reviews

Ernesto: Overall very professional in manner. Clear spoken, well organized, and used plenty of examples in expressing how video and sound work as a medium together. The dragon costume project looks promising, and I look forward to seeing the final version.
Rating: 10

Donna: Donna’s project interests me in regards to different styles of learning. Donna’s presentation was well put together, very informative in her measures, and I hope that she gets some useful results.
Rating: 10

John O'Hearn: I think the idea of making a blog to capture how people take out frustration is an interesting study on a social scale. I do have to say that the Vista computer in the video looked like it was just barely meeting the minimum requirements to run Vista, those requirements being absolutely ridiculous in terms of the amount of RAM and hard disk space it uses. Anyway, I felt like the video relevant to endurance race finder of the two dogs on a leash meshed with the frustration theme in a more productive way – how to resolve that frustration by getting rid of the cause.
Rating: 9

Ray: Presentation seemed to get off to a rough start, but really picked back up well. One of the images that caught my attention was the phone contact image since it looks dimensional – really couldn’t help but to keep looking at it so I think it definitely works well for the yellowpages directory idea as well as the video.
Rating: 9

Matt: It’s really amazing how simple the terminal seems being a text based interface, but how complex it is to know all the little tricks of the trade to really use the commands effectively. Coming from a computer science background myself, I can see why there would be more of a learning curve for the general population. I don’t use a mac, but I have used linux, and having some knowledge of the terminal can really be a great help. Overall, it’s a good way to encourage people to open up the terminal versus downloading ten programs – saves time and resources.
Rating: 10

Kevina: The project appears to be set on the social cultural side of digital media. The embedded sound on her website conveyed that connection – how we can all relate and discover new information via the internet these days. YouTube videos give us control of what we create and can see. I think integrating all these ideas – the movements, and YouTube into a single movie can teach us a lot about how society communicates.
Rating: 10

Aaron: Personal portfolio website to host his work and his skills. Could be used as a supplement for a resume. I think it’s good to have a website prepared as people can look at what you have done on their own time Well rounded, lots of content. Work in Maya was very well done and really stood out.
Rating: 9

Diego: Compiled a video “Technology – Digital Culture”. Created from media clips and inspired by the book to express the movement of Technology. Liked the integration of the music with the video, and gets the message across.
Rating: 9

Alberto: Documenting his experience in the transition from Windows to Linux. Open source software is definitely becoming one of the next big movements in computing. I’ve been planning to reinstall linux onto one of my machines as well – many pros: uses less memory, it’s faster. The cons are, like you said, getting used to the new interface and the way linux works – but won’t have to deal with those pesky viruses anymore. There is a good tool called “Wine” for Linux that will let you run a lot of windows applications if need be. The flash animations were great – can’t wait to see more of them in regards to the linux experience.
Rating: 10

Wayne: Creating stop motion videos of how a simple object can be examined. Trip to the CVS video was amusing. Very clear on what the project was about and had a lot of other good examples.
Rating: 10

Nate: Presented Machinima and the idea of using an MMO to create a movie. Used the program WeGame which is open source – I actually might have to try that out next time I play WoW. The movie was done very well.
Rating: 10

Tiva: Using vocaloid as a way to reproduce Japanese music based on the sounds and duration of singing. Seems like a lot of fun. Gave some good examples of how it works and showed how to use the program. Compared it to an actual real Japanese song – program is really good at replicating it, almost too good.
Rating: 10

Nicola: Vlogging as well as educational information. Well organized and inspired, especially now that there is a video to direct everyone to the good coffee.
Rating: 10

Chris: Liked the animated gif & the web design guide will be a helpful way for people to share their web design knowledge.
Rating: 9

Erin: Based on communication at the font level. Styles of writing can express more than just what the word says but also emotion or feeling in the word. A bold word is powerful, a cursive word is more formal. Very informative.
Rating: 9

David Rountree: Works with music and teaches music to kids. It’s really nice that he’s going to have the blog to better communication between parents and children.
Rating: 10

Namon Littlejohn: Created a personal website and videos. Design is straightforward and clean. Implemented a blog as well to post from the website.
Rating: 9

Collins: “Learning Blender” presentation. I am glad to see this one, because Blender tutorials are always needed. While Blender and Maya share many similarities, the interface of Blender is really, really different and it takes time to learn it all. Good idea to make the tutorial.
Rating: 9


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