Blade Runner - A Quest for Truthful Representations of Reality

I watched the movie Blade Runner over the weekend and found it to be very entertaining and surprised by its ability to not feel too dated even though it was made in 1982. The mood and lighting of the film is dark and wet which helps to hide much of the areas that could seem outdated. The film relates to Jean Baudrillard's idea of the simulacra. Baudrillard claims that our reality today is false, being replaced by signs and symbols. In the movie Blade Runner, the main character is looking to rid the planet of all false representations of human-beings, these being the replicants. In a way they are trying to get back to reality by ridding the planet of all that is unreal. There is a lot of talk and intrigue about the eye and how things are perceived in the movie. Replicants can be discovered by looking at their eyes, there are genetically reproduced eyes and then totally artificial eyes which are cameras. It is all about what the eye is seeing and if that in-turn is the truth or a perceived reality.

A side note: apparently the future is wet, dark and mostly Chinese people.


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