Kay & Ascott

KAY > Kay's ideas of creating a medium for creative thought, including pictures, animation, sound and text, was conceived in the 1970s and is still being tweaked and perfected today. The concept of synthesizing all of these medium into one, personal storage device sounds like today's laptop or iPod/Phone. The iPhone provides portability, easy navigation, the freedom to download applications and delete them as needed, as well as a camera, music .. and on and on.

Ascott > Ascott points out that telecommunications and computing are one in the same. How people communicate with each other has been changed forever by the technology and consequently, so have accepted human behaviors. I think it is the human need to interact that keeps this "telematic culture" alive. Without the need to communicate "beliefs, ideas, media, values and objectives," where would technology be? Although some say that the threat of the "machine coming to dominate the human will" is great, it is also just another vessel to convey human values and content.


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