Midterm reviews

I missed the second day of presentations, so ill be reviewing Monday and Wednesdays presentations

Donna 10/10

I feel like this was a really good presentation to use as an example of what I would consider a preferable way of demonstrating Information. Donna’s research is gripping on its own, but she was very friendly and spoke clearly, making it easy to be interested. I also liked the PowerPoint.

John 9/10

John’s presentation was good in many respects, it had clear and concise information, it was interesting and he expressed himself professionally but I feel I would like to see some more of john work, as it is very interesting. I LOVED the fact he made the presentation light hearted and hilarious, which helps tremendously to capture the audience.

Ray 8/10

I gotta say mad creations sounds like a very promising idea for personal gain. The presentation was gripping and Ray came prepared to deliver the message about his visual design project. The only thing I really feel like needs drastic improvement is the content. I don’t feel like there was a lot of content to show the audience, I would try to have more videos, more images, to help make the presentation visually appealing.

Wayne 8/10

Wayne’s presentation was done very professionally and demonstrated an understanding of an efficient way of communicating. I like the idea of using stop motion pictures to show the progression, so I think I like the idea behind the project but I don’t understand what the project itself is. I feel like the presentation was lacking in terms of how much content and explanation of the project goals.

Nate 10/10

This was an amazing presentation. Hands down it is a prime example of what I believe is an engaging performance. Nate kept the audience on its toes and output a very interesting and fun presentation. The content was also clearly visible and effort was shown in the making of it. I believe this was overall a really good project as well.

Tiva 10/10

I believe Tiva’s presentation brings a very unique idea to the table, and that makes a great recipe for success. The topic she chose is an interesting one considering where we are heading towards in the class, and that’s the simulation of reality and its symbols. I love her effort and immersive work in making the song with that program. I really think she did great.

Nikola 10/10

There’s times where I see presentations like Nikola’s and feel as if I wish I could do mine over. She was SUPER friendly and used a lot of different mediums to show her prowess. This is commendable, not just because of the performance but because of the work she’s doing with FCAT students as well. I feel it’s a very fun and lighthearted way to go about her project.

Teresa 9/10

To be perfectly honest, I didn’t think I was going to be so stunned by Teresa’s artwork and web design, that’s is until I saw them. I believe she has great talent and needs to take forward and expand her abilities. She had not just beautiful art but a website that I feel shows a lot of effort and ability. Her presentation might have been a little more audience interactive, but for the most part I feel she did a great job.

Chris 9/10

I feel like Chris shows a lot of potential with his project. I like the idea, and I feel like making something from scratch like an animated giff is a very interesting aspect of digital culture, as we all create and contribute. I definitely feel like his presentation was also gripping, despite feeling like he could improve in how he involves and addresses the audience

Erin 10/10

I definitely think Erin hit the nail on the head in terms of creative ideas. I feel like she has one of these presentation that grips you with the amount of potential her idea has for an interesting project. I like the fact that she is focused on the importance of maintaining a cultural medium such as writing.

David 10/10

Rushed or not I feel David’s project is a very nice one to watch and see him do. Im glad to see his students coming together to make music as well as the progress of getting that one guitar kid to be less shy. He did a great job in the presentation itself too, being concise and direct, while keeping the audience engaged. I feel like it’s a recipe for a good demonstration.


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