
Sorry for the late post. Been a little busy this weekend, plus the internet has been buggy on me. Here are my critiques.

Great job, knew what he was talking about. Had a lot of information to show. Had some good examples. Entertaining, kept my attention.
Donna Davis
Knew the information, what she was talking about. Talked about her research (which we all took part of). Talked about experiences in SL. Kept my attention.
john o’hearn = evident’s of frustration & problems.
Not a bad blog site. Wish him luck with his presentation. Second half was more entertaining. Videos at the end of the presentation were great entertainment that caught my attention. Some parts did drag on though.
Ray Parkinson Web presence
Rough start, but worked out in end. Nice job on the art and movies. Was really impressed.
Matt Teminal tips today
Very technologically advanced. Knew what he was talking about. Very entertaining. Knew what he was talking about.
diago frembrera (video)
funny video. Slow load time though hurt the presentation. Picture did help show how it was made. Good video (for what I saw)
Kevina lee “youtubing as a form of communication”
Knew the information. Lots of information. Only text for most part (at beginning), doesn’t focus the attenction. Too much text.
Website was nice. Looked like had good videos
Funny video and animations. Nice blog. Good luck on your final.

Sadly after this point, I saw someones post without the scored, and I though we didn't need to write scores down at all.

Knew the information. Talked too much in beginning, which couldn’t focus attention of everyone to him. Has an interesting project idea.
Nate Machinima
Very well spoken. Knew what he was talking about. Kept the attention well. Good Job.
Tiva Vocaloid
Knew what she was talking about. Had lots of examples. Looked like a fun program.
Nicola vlog
Knew what she was talking about. Very detailed graph that helped keep audience attention. Entertaining video.
Teresa website and secondlife
Very nice website. Very good graphics. Dark blue on black is hard to read. Really great project
Good website. Nice job on the gif. Turns out there is way to make animated gifs for macs. Good luck on the final.
Erin Wilson typography
Too much text, doesn’t hold attention of audience much. Videos and websites helped presentation. Knew what you were talking abou.
David ranchic
Good blog. Great work with the children. Good work with the software.
Namon website
Not a bad first website. Good way to show off the work that you have done.
Collins obinwa learning blender
Nice presentation. Not too many words for presentation. Lots of pictures to show examples. Need to speak up, could barely hear you. Nice step by step walkthrough.

If you want me to have scores with the last part, please let me know and I will write down some.


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