The End of Net Neutrality?

"Firing one of the first shots in the net neutrality war, AT&T has blocked 4chan’s /b/ image board. AT&T subscribers are unable to connect to /b/ and /r9k/ (both of which are hosted on However, subscribers can get on any of the so-called «worksafe» boards that offers." -

This is unacceptable, no matter how risque the site in question is, in America we have freedom of speech. It is unacceptable for AT&T to step all over our first amendment rights because they don't like a website. If AT&T gets away with this, this will set a precedent for other ISPs to follow suite on other sites.

Never forget:

First they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for the Communists and I did not speak out because I was not a Communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.

If we allow them to block one site they will take that power and roll with it.


  1. Yeah, I heard about this earlier this morning. /b/'s up in arms about it already (as to be expected). Some people have been reporting that the blockage of the img server is actually related to a DDoS attack rather than censorship (img and has been under heavy fire from a rival website for the last week or so, supposedly most of the DDoS traffic was running over AT&T lines and they were trying to stop it).

    Of course, the DDoS response story is totally unconfirmed at present, but it sounds fairly plausible to me (intentionally pissing off /b/ is just too immensely stupid even for AT&T).

  2. While the DDoS story may be true, it is still unacceptable for them to actually block a portion of the internet.

    We've now moved from throttling copyright infringement to blocking actual websites.

    AT&T have been pissing off their customers non stop lately and I think they are just dumb enough to piss off /b/.


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