Pioneer DVJ Scratch Orchestra_Parkinson

While researching Cornelius Cardew and the Scratch Orchestra, i came upon the DVJ scratch band performance at Pianofabriek on in 11 November 2006. This performance, in its incredible flow, really relates to something I have grown accustomed to, both my experience and by culture.

In the first clip, the DJ's stick to the "unearthly" plot of UFO's and the extra-terrestrial, while the subject of the second part is "earthly', mainly depicting the nature and culture, frogs, politics, and the blues. This Scratch Orchestra, in his new light, really intrigues me.

Part 1/2

Part 2/2


One more video that REALLY intrigued me, was performed by DJ Yoda. This music video express the ultimate rhythm and flow, the skill of the DJ, and the advancement of technology and multimedia.


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