Topics for Midterm

1.) A Homepage/Webpage
to include basics
a.) Pictures, with text and links
b.) embedded video
c.) VRML [not required]
d.) Menus
e.) Navigation System
f.) Sound of some sort

The webpage can be from a template, or you can use Dreamweaver or Bluefish or code it by hand! I will do a Dreamweaver tutorial if there is interest.

2.) Software Survey
DO a survey of a piece of software that you might use as a tool for another class in MADAS or towards your degree. It can be modelling (WINGS3d,Blender,3DSMAX) Graphic (GIMP,PHOTOSHOP) VRML (Freewrl), 3D (Sketchup,Open Scene Graph) Video (Premiere,After Effects, Resolume)

or anything else you would like to explore in a project.

3.) A video/music piece. Please discuss what you woud like to do with me so we can create a criteria of what you want to present together

4.) Powerpoint with Media on a chapter in the Book

5.) Avatar modelling or Second Life (script, model or gesture or fashion design)
Remember creations in second life can be sold for real money so it might be fun and make you a few linden too!

6.) Webcast/Podcast show.
Discuss, Interview and Broadcast your own show with a topic(s) read about in our book
Explore USTREAM, QTBroadcaster, ICECAST, etc. Free Speech and free encoding tools.

7.) Graphic Stitcher Project: Do a series of 3D images that relate a sense of space or location that is important to you. I feel bad because i never graded these, so now is your chance to use the first one as a starting point, you can do 3 panaoramas for credit, Also explore QTVR.

8.) An Interactive CD/DVD. Please discuss your topic with me and I'll assit you with ENCORE or DVDSTUDIO PRO. You may also use IDVD.

Remember everyone your topic should be reflective of one of our readings, That might mean you hated a reading or found limitations in it, or that you were inspired by one of the readings. I think this is a much more exciting way to see if you were able to incorporate the readings into your impressin and understanding of Digital Culture. This will also give us the opportunity to delve into topics we have only touched on lightly in the introduction and demonstration part of the course.

Please meet with me tomorrow to discuss your topic and we'll create our calendars for Class HOW-TOs and guided tutorials over the next two weeks.




  1. Also if you are an MADAS, you may be "in production" or in the R&D phase or even n the design phase for a project and it will count for credit as long as your work/footage/designs are documented. We will clarify in our weekly meetings from here until graduation or as long as they are needed to ensure success!




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