Shamar's Midterm Project

I'd like to create a video that weaves together dance, myth, song and indigineous knowledge. In addition to using pre-existing public domain/ creative commons files, I will be creating original content through collaborations with other artists - at this point a singer and a dancer.

I will be exploring how to use the digital media suite, the greenscreen, protools, premiere, audacity, resolume, and pure data in order to make this video.


  1. Sounds good Shamar. Try to get a working title soon. You should document all your setup and working environments[especially lighting setup for Greenscreen]. Also make sure you remember what codec/what size clips for Resolume/pd.
    Search for Freeframe plugins to expand Resolume's effects base. Have you used Premiere before? If not schedule some time to get an overall intro to it. Perhaps i will cover that on Tuesday after we talk about Midterms.


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