Marco Brambilla: Civilization

This video really makes me eye-opening! It integrates a lot of clips and sounds to tell a whole new story. However, I notice that clips are not fully related to the images. The designers use colors to express different feelings: they use red color to form a hell vision; use sky color to form a heaven vision; use gray color to form an unclear age. Music also plays an important role in conveying images, for example, designers use low tone to create scary feeling. This video is not just about technique, it is about creative. I really curious how they combine different stuff, and make them unified. What a masterpiece it is. As an advertising master student, i really think this work can be a good attraction of Hotel. When people talk about this video, the hotel successfully draw customers' attention. After viewing this video, i believe most of people would not forget it.
by Wei-Hsuan Yang


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