Fluxus film

I watched most of the fluxus films on ubu.com. I was quite confused about the meaning of those videos. It seems there is no story, no structure to them. Then I Google searched for an introduction about fluxus. It says fluxus is about blending different artistic media and disciplines together. It is intermedia, an attitude rather than a story. Fluxus artists are fond of combining various elements at hand, intersecting them together, in order to creat a new piece of art work. One example, called wrist trick by Paul Sharits, contained images of a wrist trick which were overlapped together to form a wrist trick film. Fluxus films are also very simple and small. For example, Peter Kennedy & Mike Parr - Flux Film 37 (1970) showed a process of bluring by using tape stuck to the camera lens. I like how they used a simple method to creat an effect which couldn't be duplicated by the technology of the time. Fluxus is also humorous, for example, "end after 9" and "9 mintutes". They both surprised me by being so honest with the title. For instance, 9 mintutes spent 9 mintutes to show the numbers counting for the whole 9 mintutes. When I was watching it, I thought it might have something in between, but there was nothing. It just counts for 9 mintutes!

I think maybe I shouldn't treat fluxus films as one independent piece of work; I should use it as one element to blend it with other media to creat something new.

But I was surprised that they were all silent videos. Sound is a very important type of media and it seems like the authors of the fluxus films neglected to play with that medium. Maybe I should try to make a video that contains fluxus film elements combined with sounds next time.


  1. That sounds like a very interesting combination. I think that would make a very nice midterm project.


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