Fluxus Films & Mid-term Project

I'm interested in Yoko Ono so I chose to watch her Film No.1 (One) in which a match lit up and went out eventually. The whole movie focused on only one subject (a match) which enable viewers totally immerse themselves in this silence scene. I wonder whether it was shown in slow motion? Then I watched several other fluxus films on the website and found that subjects in fluxus films are varied. It seems that everything at the center of the screen has its own story worth a deep investigation from the artistic perspective. It might also imply that anything can be art even if there is no shining decoration (e.g., sounds, production and shooting techniqures).

As for my mid-term project, I initially wanted to do an E-magazine but I didn't know any good free software. Now I will probably construct a webpage dedicated to 2010 Shanghai World Expo. I originally planned to participate in this event as a volunteer, but now I'm not sure whether I can back to Shanghai next year T_T. So I decide to keep myself updated with this big event which will be held in my hometown. I believe there will be abundant multi-media resources that can be used to enrich my webpage. I used to learn Frontpage, but now I remember nothing! Hope we can help each other finish our mid-term projects ^_^


  1. Peng

    I have Yoko's Book Grapefruit, which you may use as a starting point to see some of her conceptual art ideas. Please remind me when we meet to discuss your project parameters.


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