
Nice presentation. Glad your study went well.

Arin font creator
Great job with the font

Tiva website
Really nice website, which puts mine to shame. Good job. A little hard to see the font from the bars., but like I said, overall good job.

Nate machinima
Really good Machinima video. 10/10

collins blender
nice job with the blender. Great job with the texturing of the trees. Mario cart area looked goo.

Not a bad video. Good special effects. Buzzing in background was getting annoying.

Matt Synnergy and DVD

Looks like a good dvd (nice extras and scene selection). Synnergy looks nice. Camera shakes a little too much (but not too bad considering it is an iphone).


Diego video
not a bad movie. The beginning seemed spastic, but it was still entertaining. Also nice job explaining, the pd (hopefully you will finish it next time).


Nicola java powerpoint, and deaf and blind fcat, video

not a bad website, good job with the free picture in picture movie, website looks nice (the graphic looks like it might help explain the ideas) though there was a lot of text. Good job.

alberto flash animations
cute flash animations. Not bad for a beginner.

chris webpage
ok webpage. Colors seem weird, but not too bad. Cute video (though I feel bad for the dog during the unlocking door scene).

liljohn webpage
Not a bad update. Showed off more of you work, including the SSL project. Hard to see the words though (dark blue on black).

wayne music soundtrack for movie, stop motion movie
not a bad montage. Nice soundtrack, though some of it didn't really flow together (is that what you were going for?)

John website
not a bad update. The menu's look nice still. The share bar will help promote the website. And good idea shrinking the ad bar. The updated blog looks nice, however the text on some of it blend in too much with the background. Nice job using google adwords and analytics to see how the webpage is going.

david o2b kids blog, and tutu
nice update timer and posts. Nice job using tutu (does look difficult and painful to use).

Hernesto visual emmersion, webpage, soundtrack using audacity and freesoundproject
sorry to hear the dragon didn't go all the way. Looked good though. Decent webpage, some of the text blends into the background (might be because the banners didn't load). Not a bad song, good job.

teresa secondlife, website
not bad with secondlife. Website looks better, text is easier to read.

ray website
nice pictures. The video for frankenstine was too big, might want to resize it. Also input a back button with the chickens so that they can choose the other option. Recommend you make it easier to navigate (doors all look the same). Also, I recommend making a section just for people responses.


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