Blade Runner Review

I think the film touches upon several different things that are important in cinema. Namely, the cultural impact and the exploration of a new theme. Now, in 1982 the futuristic theme in movies was not completely new, but Blade runner creates almost a 'film-Noir" backdrop for the whole story, something used in many other science fiction movies for years to come. As far as the Cultural impact is concerned, this movie (although not wide accepted at its release) became a "cult-classic in american cinematography, and with good reason. The film indirectly presents an innate human fear that is wrapped around the bleakness of the future. The dark and somber skyline in the intro for example, sets a tone almost: this is a decrepit future, one that in the 1980's would horrify the average person.
I really appreciate this though, because it is a cultural jewel, holding a historical imprint almost of the kind of thoughts artists and cinematographers of that time period were projecting of the future. This may seem like a trivial thing to linger on, but considering Deckard's character and his willingness to follow through with disagreeble orders from Bryant, one can see that idea of projecting the things we dislike by wrapping them in a symbolic canvas with an ominous and undesirable background.
There is more to the movie than jsut the science fiction and action scenes, and even more still than the cinematography itself: Theres an aura of ideals about it, shot beautifully to represent society how we wish it may never get. I think this is interesting becasue to do this with films is to partake in shaping and molding social foundations. this film stands as an icon, i believe, of ways of thinking as well as artistic tastes. And this is all without mentioning the impications of the film's main theme, human replications, and what in 1982 Phillip Dick envisoned as Humanity's changes because of them. But thats a whole other review entirely.


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