Temples of ancient South India


The video is a glimpse of ancient Indian architecture.
There are a series of videos in YouTube for those that are interested.
Some of the narration in the videos about the temples built by Raja Raja are inaccurate because in the introduction the video shows temples built by other kings but narrated as built by Raja Raja! Other than that this video and its series is a masterpiece to know about Temples of India.



  1. How beautiful! It never fails to amaze me what we can learn from YouTube. My young daughter is a voracious reader, so she regularly assaults me with questions she's pondered while reading one random thing or another. Every time she asks me--most recently it was what makes thunder--my answer is always the same: let's look it up. What amuses me is that when MY mother told me to look it up, it meant breaking out the dictionary or encyclopedia. When I tell HER to look it up, she boots up the laptop. Sure enough, I found a great YouTube video for children on the meteorological phenomenon that makes thunder rumble!


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