Time to FLOSS

Sorry... couldn't help the title...
Also so sorry I can't be in G'ville to see everyone's final presentations! Some fascinating work you all are doing!! I am attending the AEJMC (Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communications) conference in Boston where SO much of the discussion and research is about new media and the way digital technologies are changing not just the NEWS, but our lives. Which leads me to my final blog post for this class.

Pat requested we read a piece of FLOSS+Art and offer our comments. I read the chapter "Generous Practices: A Fictional Conversation, Based on Emails, Physical Encounters,IRC and a Skype session" by Femke Snelting. I found it of particular interest because it offered a perspective of copyright, copyleft, Creative Commons, and collaboration from the artists perspective. It's such an interesting dilemma as artists deserve to be compensated for their creative contributions, and perhaps if the system that created copyright and the industry that evolved to promote and distribute art (particularly music and literature) hadn't become SO exploitive, this never would have been an issue. Also, because I am a fan of live music in the virtual world, I hear artists performing "covers" just about every day. While schmoozing last night, I found myself in conversation with a former student of mine that now has a PhD in media law. She was asking how it is that musicians are able to perform covers in the virtual world without paying the licensing folks. Another reminder of the way the Internet has opened up channels to express oneself, and another path the legal folks will follow to determine what is fair use, etc.

I'm tired. My brain is full. I hope I've made sense. With that I sign off with gratitude. It's been a great semester (all six weeks of it) and I wish you all the very best!


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