Midterm Reviews

All the presentations were good and I enjoyed sitting through and learning from all of them. I did the best I could with these but I can't remember how all the presentations played out and I'm bad at reviewing. If something isn't right (like words are missing or an unfair score) please let me know so I can fix it.


Ernesto - A great way to start off the presentations. Nice slide presentation. The cg pictures used were very impressive. The Gundam and Advent Children edits were pretty interesting as well.

Donna - Interesting observations of learning and experience. Nice incorporation of second life survey into presentation. Enjoyed the info on the different ways of learning (visual vs hearing), very informative. May have to read up on Gardener's Theory sometime.

John - Interesting views of frustration. The blog made for it could be useful in that it can be used to help people vent. Interesting how he mentioned that a lot of frustration is related to using technology. Feel bad for the guy in the video with vista not running properly.

Ray - see Thursday


Matt - A very useful presentation. Those terminal commands can really come in handy. Youtube and personal blog was incorporated well with the terminal commands. Definitely something I can use in the future. Also liked the catch phrase.

Aaron - Cool website. I liked the background and the fighting video was funny and cool. The portfolio had some interesting artwork pieces.

Diego - Interesting mesh of videos. It was great to show that the future is never certain (as I'm sure the "big floppy disk" guy and the cd guy found out).

Kevina - Interesting info about youtube as a form of communication. It was displayed well how youtube has revolutionized digital (and regular) culture. Nice designed website; had that classic, old school Windows feel to it. Love the old school dial up sound. I can see why she wanted to show the second life video, It was hilarious.

Alberto - Had simple, funny flash animations. The sun kinda of reminded me of the evil sun from super mario bros 3. Bike ride video was funny. Would have been nice to have some sound to it if possible. Regardless, cool presentations.


Wayne - Interesting view of putting together objects with video and sound. In the first video shown with the toy box, you wouldn't really associate it to a child but the child laughing in the background kind of gives an impression that the box may be a kid's toy. The other two videos were cool also. Loved the music that was played in the last video. It really added to video.

Nate - The machinima was pretty cool. The music didn't seem to quite fit the story though. The presentation showed that making a machinima isn't too bad and thankfully doesn't require extra equipment; only a simple download. Having a blog detailing progress can also help aspiring machinima film makers.

Tiva - Interesting and unique presentation with the vocaloid. The difference between the real artist and the digital artist was quite small. It was cool that she was also able to make her own vocaloid.

Nikola - It was great that she was able to go above the scope of the project and make something that can benefit kids who are blind or deaf. This is something that will benefit many kids. It was also great that she was able to show how much vlogging and video podcast has benefitted blind and deaf people. I also thought that the "Where's the coffee?" video was hilarious. "BK Joe, just say no!"

Teresa - Well designed website. Had some interesting info. Nice that Second Life linked to her website. It will be interesting to see what becomes of the building and how well intergrated the building and her website are.

Chris - Never knew making an animated gif could be complicated. It was cool though. The website seemed to be designed well. I can't remember exactly how it looked though.

Erin - Blog showed very cool commercials and other examples relating to typography. Links for downloading fonts was helpful. Bathroom finder iphone app was funny and in a sense useful.

David - Interesting implimentation of his job and blogging. Can tell that he really enjoys his work. The presentation was a bit rushed though.


Namon - Interesting, well designed website. Although, I forgot exactly how the website looked, but I do remember liking it. Nice artwork, cool background, and cool videos.

Ray - The website was very well designed. It is cool how he made it entirely from photoshop. It's also interesting how he noted that computers are more relevant nowadays and that is why you put it first. Had well designed logos.


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