I Need Your Help!
Hey guys. I'm working on the final project for the other class that Arturo teaches right before this course, called Interactive Storytelling. One aspect of my project involves an art hosting website that has a blog for four different types of art: Photography, Microsoft Paint art (Like Ernesto's), Graffiti, and Photoshop Images. The links to each blog are the following: MS Paint Blog Photography Blog Graffiti Blog Photoshop Blog Our intent is to have each of those blogs tell a story through images that people post, letting everyone interact by continuing the story set by other people. For the MS Paint and Photography blogs, we would like you to post any interesting photography or MS Paint images you have created (or if you find something online you can post it as well), then write a short, one-line, peotic sentence about what this image conveys. For the Graffiti blog we would like to have people post images of interesting graffiti they have seen at any point in their lives, or ...