Sampling Rate: The sampling rate is the number of samples of data taken in one second for each channel of audio being recorded. CDs are recorded at 44,100 samples per second. The image below is a 1000hz signal recorded at 8000 samples per second. The bright green dots are the points where the data was taken. you can count them and see that there 8 samples per cycle. Multiply that by 1000 cycles per second and you get the 8000 samples/sec. The rate at which it was recorded. This is 0.0045 seconds of audio.

i hate ableton but i will conquer itttttt THATS RIGHT.
i'm sorry i dont want to say that i wish i could say i love it so much. but honestly it scares me a lot so i procrastinate but i always end up doing it but i just make myself miserable the whole time up until the last second thinking about it...then once i am on i get so confused..then finally i figure it out and just want to be done with it. i wish i was amazing and understood it.
well i figure i better look up some of those vocab words. I researched sampling rate for dummies..it didn't really work out. so i just started looking at websites and this somewhat maybe helped me understand a little.

The image below is a 1000hz signal recorded at 44,100 samples per second. The bright green dots are the points where the data was taken. You can't count these very easily. This is also 0.0045 seconds of audio. You can easily see that there is much more data in this recording.
anyway this is my digiti minimi findings of the week!
if i'm on the wrong track just please help me
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