Stan Brakhage - Mothlight and Maya Deren - The Very Eye of Night

The intricacies of Mothlight stand out to me the most. The fact that it doesn't have sound is very interesting because the images flashing so quickly seem very loud to me. If Stan Brakhage did this with old film and pasted every moth's wings on each strip, then this is true artistry. I think that the beauty lies in the details in this case, because he is demanding that we look at the film so closely. He has created this line of images when strung together are life-like in nature.
In The Very Eye of Night, I am brought to a different world. The music with the background seem to give a feeling of otherworldly or extraterrestrial. Even though footage is 2D, the movie has another dimension to it. And when I look at it, I feel as if I am there. The images of the bodies on the screen is very eerie to me. However, when they start moving in patterns, I am brought to a place of more comfort. I feel like I am watching a telescope and a kaleidescope simultaneously. The dancers' faces are blacked out, giving it another feeling of alienation. The fact that the dancers' movement is so classical and beautiful in contrast to the black and abysmal background, gives it a nice dichotomy.
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