Dark Play and Edgard Varêse and Le Corbusier - Poême électronique

So I finally saw "Dark Play or stories for boys" and thought it was fantastic. I had never heard of this story, let alone know that it was based on true events. It is amazing to me that this happened in 2005, when I thought that the world wide web was still taking off. However, this was when the depths of darkness has already been reached by little boys that need help. I thought the use of Digital Media was extremely pertinent to the telling of the story. I have heard critics say that in order to incorporate media into art, you have to be really knowledgeable about all of its possibilities. The incorporation of the three giant screens next to the space was both effective and simple. It seemed to supplement what each actor was saying and in a way that enhanced the words and not took away from their delivery. It was then used as an atmosphere to make the very black, black box seem like real life.
After listening to Edgar Varese's work, I feel like the only way to sum up this work is to write the stream of consciousness that I was typing while listening: TV channels, the one's you don't want to listen to, gongs being played over and over, made me on edge, didn't know what was coming next, can't tell what it is, vocals, seem out of context, but added to feeling of piece, like people yelling, gave a million different places of the world in one time and place in the mind, comes back full circle and sends us into - tuning and shooting into space, it is filled with noises that we intentionally avoid but then are tried to be made, robots being let loose and animals being trapped.
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