Expanded Cinema: Television as a Creative Medium

Just something interesting that I found in Gene Youndblood's Expanded Cinema (note: the text is 40 years old):

'Just as cinema has imitated theatre for seventry years, television has imitated cinema imitating theatre for twenty-five years.'

It makes me wonder where dance fits into everything. Contemporary (modern, post-modern, etc.) dance came into play hundreds of years after theatre as we know it had been established. Obviously, we are now in the digital media stage--another step removed from the theatre but still within that chain, medium to medium. And in recent history (the last hundred years or so) modern dance has had its place in the theatre.

I feel like the digital performance could be a step in the direction of enhancement, not imitation. The stucture in which most dance artists make work allows them to control each element in their performances. Digital media can aid them in building a specific feeling or image and can also be used to randomize performance. One of the most exciting things is that there are an infinite number of digital scores to be set up, an infinite number of programs to use, and a huge number of perople around the world to work with.

Anyway it will be interesting to see, 20 or 30 years from now, how drastically digital media has affected dance/performance art.



  1. Certainly Digital will have an impact on dance Olivia what it will be will surely be interesting. It's hard to gauge exactly what the impact will be but i think you are on the right track if you focus on the enhancement tone. If you approach digital as a compositional tool for choreography experimentation is almost a requirement and that usually will lead you to a new idea regardless.


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