CONNECTING the EDGES: An Inter-Continental LiveVibe

To compromise for the bad quality of my phone's camera, this picture to the left is an artsy rendition of the third presentation of the IDMAA 2010 CONNECTING the EDGES: An Inter-Continental LiveVibe presentation. The presentation was called "In the Same Space at the Same Time" and showed how people can use motion-capture and multi-channel video technology to collaborate in the same virtual space even if they're all around the world. Additionally the dancers in the demo played sounds by touching the space above their heads that had sound boxes in the virtual world. They also caused a sparkle reaction when the they occupied the same space at the same time.

The first presentation, called "I-M-Age," showed a live improvised interpretation of artistic time periods by a Korean cellist and a dancer/percussionist in Vancouver. If there were any pictures that they were seeing while playing, we couldn't see them on the screens in our classroom. The second presentation, called "Web Jam YVR" was Pat jamming with people around the world who were using their smartphones to pull images real time from the web via Anton's app. I think the most popular phrases typed were people's locations and "Gainesville, FL" seemed the most frequent.


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