Connecting the edges - extra credit!!!

I went to watch the performance of Connecting the Edges the other night in the Digital Media Studio. I had no idea what I was in for or what the show was going to be like. I actually did not even know we would be watching it on screen while it was happening in Vancouver. When I walked in I was expecting something happening right in front of us. I was excited to find out it was not and excited to watch it in a different way and view than I have before. I really thought this was a very interesting and unique. I had never seen anything performed in this way before.

The first performance with the Violin player - I M AGE -
This was very cool. All three violinist were amazing and it was very neat how they were playing from different sides of the world. Seeing the man perform in Vancouver and then the other two on the other side of the world was a crazy jump. As the camera would switch on and off to each place it was interesting to see how they played together and what each person was doing. It was beautiful with the imagery behind the man in Vancouver and the other instruments he was playing along with his violin. Then the other two violinist were more calming and sat down the whole time in a solid room. This whole aspect and Idea of playing together but in different places and spaces was very awesome!

Next was Pat's imagery and music, connecting people from all over the world with imagery and words. I really enjoy watching Pats work. I love the different aspects and diversions of each image and slide. It would go from kittens to crazy people or saying the weirdest words above. There are images and words that makes you laugh and some that make you sad... It is like you feel different emotions when watching it. The same music played in the background the whole time, which was interesting seeing how the images changes dramatically, but not the music.
This idea and creativity of making this is so unique and looks like a ton of fun to make. I would like to learn how to do this. It is crazy how you can type in one word on the internet and a million different things will pop up!

Lastly, In the Same Space at the Same Time -

This was what I was waiting for the whole performance. Everything before this was really great, but I was excited to see how this would work and excited to watch my two teachers and faculty members perform in their avatar. We have watched and played around in the avatar digital room before with dance - last year- and every time we have it has been so interesting to work in. I could see that this was going to be very different performance.
Having four people from different cities and different parts of the world was the coolest part. Also, that they could all interact and touch. We were able to see the Vancouver dancer really dancing and her avatar. We watched Kristen O'Neal in the other room for a minute, then watched her avatar too. Seeing the difference and what they were really doing was crazy. It was also neat to be able to hear each of their voices in the beginning to hear them talk. Kristen and Kelly's avatars were so fun to watch, because we all know how they dance and perform and it was cool to see them in a different body. When they would all connect or improv, the sound it made was like a spacey sound and fit perfectly with this experiment. Watching them each try to touch different points in space with different parts of their body was awesome! In the Same Space at the Same Time - what a great title and experiment for four dancers to try. It really worked and it was almost like making a new discovery.
I really enjoyed this whole performance and the three totally different aspects and dynamics each performance brought to the show.
Thanks for the opportunity and info for letting us see this Pat!!


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