Chalanie and Melaney's Findings

Our Findings:

We had to keep putting the message autocreate 1 and attach it to the pdp_glx for the window to open. Is there a reason why we have to do this? Why don’t they already have this on the patch to begin with?

We also came across the the message “could not create a grabber channel” many times while trying to play with PD. Why did this happen? Maybe PD was frozen?

Overall we learned that PD can be fun and interesting, but a bit temperamental at times (especially if you don’t really know how to use it)

Example 1: the video image looks auburn.. . like orange sand. The images are delayed, and it has an embossed effect. It reminded us of sand art. The color was like a burnt sienna. We noticed that if we changed the pdp motion phase, the images kind of create a shadow to the image…sort of like a ghost like wiping (It’s hard to describe these things). We also noticed that changing the rgb from the pdp gradient, it changes the color of the video as well

Example 2:  The images are in reverb. The lines are blurry and one motion can create many visual echoes, as if they are layered on top of each other again. We noticed that if we tried to edit anything in this example, (command E) PD would automatically shut down. Is there a reason for this?

Example 3:  Pixel type effect (like colored static on a TV), by changing the blur, the colors move slower/faster around each other

Example 4:  Similar to the one we did in class , creates a Stan Brakhage sort of effect but with colored pixel. The color blots flash across the screen. By changing the sliders you can change the speed, zoom and rotation. Changing the rotation can flatten out and elongate the pixels so they look like lines instead of blots of color.

Example 5:  A sort of black and white image warper… the individual grey/ color bangs give a different effect. Creates a noise effect like static on a TV

Example 6:  Very blurry images, looks like a back of the cd (the color)

Example 7:  Looks like millions of ants crawling (we got itchy watching this one). Changing the pdp_gain changed the speed of the static

Example 8: The camera took a still image and created a blur effect. It layered lines of colors over the image until the whole window went black

Example 9:  Video image looks purple. Changing the gains changes the color and white balance

Example 10:  Just like ex9, but more complex (it gives  you more options to change the color) and give more color contrast.


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