Weekend Grading& Stuff

I will going over the projects and grading for our first audio project.
You will receive your grades hopefully when the USB sticks arrive
We'll use the sticks to aggregate all of our media we make in this class.
Please save everything and SAVE often then we transfer it.

On another note i am not sure we have ALL adequately understood several basics regarding music/sound

So 1/2 of Monday will be:
1.) a review and clarification(s) of what we have covered so far
2.) If the USBs are here we'll load them up and SHARE content
3.) second project assignment details
4.) choose Video/Audio Partners

I think we learned quite a bit about the capability of our existing machines and what we would need to do to further our media ideas in our current situations. While time-consuming and sometimes frustrating, learning curves are challenges we need to embrace like a new element we encounter. We cannot claim mastery at first glance. That is naive. So be undaunted by puredata's "complexity" for therein is a portion of new media/creativity. Specificity and complexity must be addressed.
