Xbox Controller Patch

Hello Folks

I met with Andy for about an hour and 1/2 last night and we got him setup for the backend of his max patch so he could focus on the design portion of his prototype. If you need help with the technical backend of Max7 [making sound/midi] non research design stuff you can come see me in my office and i can either help you find a patch to adapt for your controller design or help you modify some of the Quasi-mod code i gave everyone on a USB stick in class


for those of you interested in an XBOX controller patch for midterm/final projects we found this VERY VERY cool patch

I am hosting it in my dropbox so you can grab it and we will go over it as an example in class Thursday while we discuss the final objectives, i'll give clairifications and a grading scale based on

1.) EFFORT towards your project: We already know  you will not be Max GURUS by the end of class but with the simple objects we talked about you should be able with a little finagaling and help if needed create a nice design prototype.

2.) Style: Take some risks, use your design skills because basically any color font and tons of styles of buttons/slider etc are available for you to explore. Run your design Idea past me and I'll bless it and help you create some milestones and a clear delverable

3.) Action: Does it work? Could someone else use it without you telling them?
Make it clear and EASY [read:intutitve] You can place text [help files] inside sub patchers for users to read directions ..stuff like that

More clarifications and questions answered when we meet




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