Castillo - Made With Max Forum

This was a live electronic transformation of audio in an improvised setting. The artist used a gamepad with 4 buttons 2 triggers an x + y-axis to fiddle with the sounds in the project.

Gamepad Controlled Live Electronics

This is a patch for an innovative way to control midi-controllers in Max (Mac OS only), built to give you confidence in playing your interface in a stage environment.

Easy Controller

An album for violin and interactive computer with transcriptions of 3 Brazilian composers, the artist used Max for live for the Brazilian pieces, which allowed him to use a motion sensor to extract the expression of the violin throughout the album.

Voyage Apollonian

Here is a real-time editor built in Max/MSP.

MicroKorg Editor

"Video Voto Matic combines a drum sequencer and a vintage voting booth. It samples footage from the current presidential race and allows a user to sequence several individual video tracks on a sixteen-beat loop. Users punch their rhythm into a “voting booklet” that mimics the infamous punchcard-style Votomatic voting machines used during the 2000 Florida election debacle. Instead of a providing the names of candidates, the booklet is filled with sample drum patterns. Users can follow the patterns suggested by the booklet or they can punch in their own. Several stations exist, and an installation would closely resemble a real-life polling station, resulting in an uncanny experience for the participant."

Video Voto Matic


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