
Showing posts from October, 2017

Volume Control + Interactive Video Patches

A small volume control patch I found. Currently set so that up/down arrow keys raise/lower volume, but its pretty easy to just set buttons on a controller to do that instead. And some video patches that Matt found

Here is the link to the Text that i used from a patch from the project manager, with which I've been working since


IN CLASS TODAY, i will demo a few applications and we will watch some videos about the LEAP MOTION CONTROLLER THE LEAP MOTION CONTROLLER THURSDAY THE OCULUS RIFT

INTERACTION DESIGN PROTOTYPE [link] [oral presentation & visual representation]


Remember in our agreement on MONDAY i asked that each team or designer meet with me so we may construct or modify a few milestones and arrive at an agreeable DELIVERABLE for your project. I will be in My office today from around 2:00pm to 4:30PM depending upon traffic But certainly by Mondday of next week you should be proceeding with the knowledge that i have approved your project especially if you plan to re-iterate it for your final submission as well cheers Patrick

Juwan's Update


Castillo Idea for Project

I found this interesting VIDEO on connecting an xbox one controller to work with Max and creating some sick audio. 

Xbox Controller Patch

Hello Folks I met with Andy for about an hour and 1/2 last night and we got him setup for the backend of his max patch so he could focus on the design portion of his prototype. If you need help with the technical backend of Max7 [making sound/midi] non research design stuff you can come see me in my office and i can either help you find a patch to adapt for your controller design or help you modify some of the Quasi-mod code i gave everyone on a USB stick in class Also for those of you interested in an XBOX controller patch for midterm/final projects we found this VERY VERY cool patch I am hosting it in my dropbox so you can grab it and we will go over it as an example in class Thursday while we discuss the final objectives, i'll give clairifications and a grading scale based on 1.) EFFORT towards your project: We already know  you will not be Max GURUS by the end of class but with the simple objects we ...

Castillo - Made With Max Forum

This was a live electronic transformation of audio in an improvised setting. The artist used a gamepad with 4 buttons 2 triggers an x + y-axis to fiddle with the sounds in the project. Gamepad Controlled Live Electronics This is a patch for an innovative way to control midi-controllers in Max (Mac OS only), built to give you confidence in playing your interface in a stage environment. Easy Controller An album for violin and interactive computer with transcriptions of 3 Brazilian composers, the artist used Max for live for the Brazilian pieces, which allowed him to use a motion sensor to extract the expression of the violin throughout the album. Voyage Apollonian Here is a real-time editor built in Max/MSP. MicroKorg Editor "Video Voto Matic combines a drum sequencer and a vintage voting booth. It samples footage from the current presidential race and allows a user to sequence several individual video tracks on a sixteen-beat loop. Users punch their rhythm into ...

MASRUR AHMED: Cool Things In Max 7 Forum

1. Epic Compositor for experimental and dub music 2. Awesome web interface that sort a music fader. Its nice to play around with the mouse. 3. Help with Jitter

KNOWLEDGE POT for IN Class tutorials Here are listed resources that helped me through my studies or that I simply found interesting.  The resources include web pages, blogs, books, videos and papers which deal with computer graphics subjects and can be used, directly or with some adaptation, inside Max.  This list is continuously updated.  Web JIT - Peter Elsea Max tutorials, also on Jitter:  Peter Elsea JIT - Masato Tsutsui Jitter introduction:  Masato Tsutsui JIT - Jitter Recipes from Andrew Benson:  Jitter Recipes SHAD - The Book of Shaders from Patricio Gonzalez Vivo:  Book of Shaders CODE - Generative Art code experiments from ZenBullets:  Abandoned Art GL - Song Ho Ahn useful resource about OpenGL, very detailed:  Song Ho Ahn OpenGL Guide JIT - GEN beta documentation (pdf download):  GEN documentation SHAD - Inigo Quilez web page, full of useful shader tips:  Inigo Quilez SHAD - Shadertoy is a public ...