[Max Patch Objective, Ways to Improve and Conclusions] [Masrur Ahmed] [12-10-2017] [Professor Pagano] Goal: CODE: https://pastebin.com/BknQRKa8 GITHUB: https://github.com/ionmasx/ionmasx.github.io/compare/master...DMD-PROJECT?expand=1 Create an interactive virtual audio system that reacts to music and gives feedback based on how you play with the controller. The overall design is in the form of an orb that reacts to an Xbox controller and all audio input. The feedback and effects can be tweaked in settings. Demographic: Ages 10-25 1. Ways to improve: - Clean up code - Add instruction notes - Tweak color scheme to modern vibe - Add new features - Potentially add using Touch OSC as a feature Conclusion: ...
In case anyone missed the demonstration Emanel, Antonio, and Maddie were working on with projections in the Splash Pad - I've posted some videos and pictures I took during the session. Such a cool and mesmerizing project. It was very interesting to learn a little more about the different programs, such as MadMapper, that they used to make these visuals and styrofoam skulls come to life. Enjoy!
Here are the links to the design template I've created so far for the demo application that Professor Pagano will use to showcase everyone's work: DMD IXD: https://pastebin.com/nyhyYUjR DMD IXD: https://github.com/ heillyb/DMDixd Here are links to an audio visualization that I'm also working on: SEE MUSIC: https://pastebin.com/ nDW6QfUu SEE MUSIC: https://github.com/ heillyb/SEEMUSIC Happy break to all :)
Team: MaxBox (Andy Z and Matt C). 3rd Milestone written by: Matthew Castillo The goal of the project was to create an interactive interface that can react to the functions of an Xbox one/360 controller. For this project I worked with Andy Z who did the majority of the patch work and getting elements of our patch to work properly. My focus in the beginning stages of the patch process was on video and trying to figure out how to control video using our Xbox controller in Max7, and Andy’s focus was on audio. As the process went by we found ourselves needing to focus on Audio, especially when we saw how much farther we have gotten implementing the audio to function properly with the Xbox patch than we did video. Ever since then I have been leaning more on the research and design aspect of things, rather than the patchwork side that Andy was more heavily focused on, I kept researching fixes to any patch issues Andy would face and do my best to find the solutions. As of recently I ...
Hi all, This is my project. CODE: https://pastebin.com/BknQRKa8 GITHUB: https://github.com/ionmasx/ionmasx.github.io/compare/master...DMD-PROJECT?expand=1 Goals: Create an interactive virtual audio system that reacts to music and gives feedback based on how you play with the controller. The overall design is in the form of an orb. Credits: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKnWxlQMy6o https://cycling74.com/tutorials/making-connections-connecting-a-joystick-to-maxmspjitter https://docs.cycling74.com/max5/tutorials/max-tut/communicationschapter01.html Ml Star / ADSR in Package Manager Intro: This is an interactive visualizer that works to make the most of whatever music your listening to. Simply play any song and your computer mic will pic of the audio data and pulse the ORB to match the musics vibe. But, it gets better. Simply attach any gaming controller and the visualizer turn...
3D visuals in Max7 https://youtu. be/C8UvVGomEx4 Audio Visuals https://youtu.be/U92qvQ27-6A Chroma Key https://youtu.be/lS3_lNXskMw Live Visuals https://youtu.be/gP1ybRozQQY
Here's a patch I found on the Max Forum that can be used to add lists of files to the patch, I'm trying to incorporate it into my Interaction project https://pastebin.com/embed_iframe/AzrXXDsL
I'm writing this post to share with students some info on Oscillator. What it is and how it can be used and how I've used it. Oscillator is an open sound control software that allows you to connect devices to MAX7 and manipulate data with those very devices. Another cool function is that once you've connected your device you can assign it controls, or midi notes. Giving you the ability to create an interactive game or instrument. I used it recently to connect a Wii remote to Max and manipulate a visual to do what I want solely based on toggles and controls. With the remote I can control the shape, the structure, orientation and color of the visual. Without having to touch my laptop. Moreover I've also found out how to connect my phone to the program in order to manipulate and control the visual. If you're looking to create anything interactive with the use of another device. Oscillator is definitely a good start. It's not crazy hard to figure out and you...
A small volume control patch I found. Currently set so that up/down arrow keys raise/lower volume, but its pretty easy to just set buttons on a controller to do that instead. https://pastebin.com/88aziJJE And some video patches that Matt found https://pastebin.com/Md0mnuwW https://pastebin.com/ii5u9r5u https://pastebin.com/aPqDsii8
Here is the link to the Text that i used from a patch from the project manager, with which I've been working since https://pastebin.com/embed_iframe/FhzAA9fg
IN CLASS TODAY, i will demo a few applications and we will watch some videos about the LEAP MOTION CONTROLLER THE LEAP MOTION CONTROLLER http://blog.leapmotion.com/how-to-build-your-own-leap-motion-art-installation/ THURSDAY THE OCULUS RIFT
Remember in our agreement on MONDAY i asked that each team or designer meet with me so we may construct or modify a few milestones and arrive at an agreeable DELIVERABLE for your project. I will be in My office today from around 2:00pm to 4:30PM depending upon traffic But certainly by Mondday of next week you should be proceeding with the knowledge that i have approved your project especially if you plan to re-iterate it for your final submission as well cheers Patrick
Hello Folks I met with Andy for about an hour and 1/2 last night and we got him setup for the backend of his max patch so he could focus on the design portion of his prototype. If you need help with the technical backend of Max7 [making sound/midi] non research design stuff you can come see me in my office and i can either help you find a patch to adapt for your controller design or help you modify some of the Quasi-mod code i gave everyone on a USB stick in class Also for those of you interested in an XBOX controller patch for midterm/final projects we found this VERY VERY cool patch https://www.dropbox.com/s/aarz96y6iqe2e2k/Xbox-controller.zip?dl=0 I am hosting it in my dropbox so you can grab it and we will go over it as an example in class Thursday while we discuss the final objectives, i'll give clairifications and a grading scale based on 1.) EFFORT towards your project: We already know you will not be Max GURUS by the end of class but with the simple objects we ...
This was a live electronic transformation of audio in an improvised setting. The artist used a gamepad with 4 buttons 2 triggers an x + y-axis to fiddle with the sounds in the project. Gamepad Controlled Live Electronics This is a patch for an innovative way to control midi-controllers in Max (Mac OS only), built to give you confidence in playing your interface in a stage environment. Easy Controller An album for violin and interactive computer with transcriptions of 3 Brazilian composers, the artist used Max for live for the Brazilian pieces, which allowed him to use a motion sensor to extract the expression of the violin throughout the album. Voyage Apollonian Here is a real-time editor built in Max/MSP. MicroKorg Editor "Video Voto Matic combines a drum sequencer and a vintage voting booth. It samples footage from the current presidential race and allows a user to sequence several individual video tracks on a sixteen-beat loop. Users punch their rhythm into ...
1. Epic Compositor for experimental and dub music https://cycling74.com/projects/compositor-4 2. Awesome web interface that sort a music fader. Its nice to play around with the mouse. https://cycling74.com/projects/orchestra-2020-animated-notation-for-mobile-phone-orchestra 3. Help with Jitter https://cycling74.com/forums/ambient-abstract-color-map
http://www.federicofoderaro.com/knowledgepot.html Here are listed resources that helped me through my studies or that I simply found interesting. The resources include web pages, blogs, books, videos and papers which deal with computer graphics subjects and can be used, directly or with some adaptation, inside Max. This list is continuously updated. Web JIT - Peter Elsea Max tutorials, also on Jitter: Peter Elsea JIT - Masato Tsutsui Jitter introduction: Masato Tsutsui JIT - Jitter Recipes from Andrew Benson: Jitter Recipes SHAD - The Book of Shaders from Patricio Gonzalez Vivo: Book of Shaders CODE - Generative Art code experiments from ZenBullets: Abandoned Art GL - Song Ho Ahn useful resource about OpenGL, very detailed: Song Ho Ahn OpenGL Guide JIT - GEN beta documentation (pdf download): GEN documentation SHAD - Inigo Quilez web page, full of useful shader tips: Inigo Quilez SHAD - Shadertoy is a public ...
https://cycling74.com/forums/how-to-rotate-a-3d-model-with-multi-touch Linked is someone trying to get their model to rotate with touch controls. It caught my attention because I had a similar issue getting my models to rotate properly during the "combine jittr recipes" assignment.
https://cycling74.com/forums/max-synthesizers-using-mpe-roli Someone working though a problem with using certain data types for synthesizers in Max https://www.instagram.com/p/BBjNhdwm4or/ An instagram post from the Made with Max page showing a patch that plays a cord when a letter from the author's name is typed with a keyboard.
Link So the link the I've provided will direct you to a forum post that has a question about developing and using max patches on an iPad. I thought it would be interesting to share because there are students in this class who've taken app development and still may want to further their career in that field, like myself. The forum has posts that could answer a lot of questions for people who don't know where to begin or are stuck.
Apparently, people using Max 7 also have trouble with recording. This issue in this forum has to do with the resolution not being accurate. Max 7 Forum
So after looking through the beginner and other forums in the max forum I couldn't really find something that caught my attention and then looking through the articles I found this one. It caught my attention because it talks about the Push hardware that I think we have (A similar) one in the splash pad and also played with it last semester in sound design. I thought it was pretty interesting, the pictures and screenshots of the patches help to understand https://cycling74.com/articles/max-for-live-focus-the-push-2-as-a-max-controller
Found this interface that brings tracking data from a Kinect into Max via Synapse. Really Awesome Stuff: Forum Link: https://cycling74.com/tools/kinect-via-synapse-max-interface Patcher Download http://jpbellona.com/work/kinect-via-interface-series/
Recipe: SubTitle This is a pretty basic recipe that performs a pretty basic, but useful, task. It allows us to add subtitles to our work. It makes it possible for us to add subtitles to a live video display, convert text to a matrix format as well as to impose a particular rendering order and drawing order. (which is necessary to get the text in a video in a readable format) Main Constituents: jit.gl.videoplane jit.str.fromsymbol jit.textfile jit.gl.text2d
I surfed through the forums for a while and found this useful webcam face tracker. Highly recommend you all check it out if you're interested in jitter. ----------begin_max5_patcher---------- 6799.3oc6cs0jihbk94p+UfqvQr1dpt17BYB3vq2deY+EruMyDUPIgTwLp.YDp6psC+eeAxDIPhKGjfTIpSaWpsP2N4Wl4412IO7u9zCO9Z7GA6dz5uZ8yVO7v+5SO7PwkxuvCxm+viu6+whM96JdaOtH982ChRe7IwqkF7QZw0S2mDYk9VfUZ750aBrhydVr0tT+jTqE9aBeMwOMLZcwa4s.+kVoI9K98fjmxuR16s7iW7Zq1uYy2y+74WYSvpTK+nStZR352RO8CW9auZ0ykB3lvnfEw6iJjRt7ha8SW7Vlz7RRvhTwnmhnO6vdxhQbeF8jElwx+GWmmQV+p7SEtrXjF+5u8YL0o7GHZ+6gQaBRKfGr7h6R+9lfh2ck2V79zx2GJ+h+6O8o7GdBHxGE7sre5y.9+vmsvtnCi2FFZXjsSwfgTLlrKdjPZajY23Hi.bjUh.aSB1ksNIaRONpprfQj7edONN+ePxGNHIhuozuuMP79eb0lX+rO6uNd.1OY40Ib45RES8EfF0sazhMknkGs.fvHL8VgV8u7xQrrB3pK5nfWi4.O6il8iz49GbwhUO6h+gg5dDRN9Uk3+dPZPxKAQ9uJFWnqQqAom8VHNSrbwwC1xkGex5wW8iV+3g2xp3j28E5JmBnj6hF.RhmbjbxQjkg9a5WWimXuiGs7wFwCh2gcmuEt32iBD+FXTNLdg.Uw9lLTX69ztwu2iWFT8cLP8XbwBSNZX5wJEmv+YwqP4GGpKCVmDH7cI6xi+TCi4LfoFj1O0bSv3KzDrD6gYBF6pclTZYXmZ...
I designed this interface to reflect my MIDI controller that is designed for mixing live music. I plan to use it to control a video synthesizer in Max. The yellow colors on toggles mean that there is an LED associated with the button. https://pastebin.com/Y1YLsWnr Image of the stock device: https://www.decks.co.uk/productimages/l-13444-m-22109-en-pr-5.jpg
I managed to give all the button and sliders a pretty interesting color scheme. You can also customize Max 7 overall as well. Link: https://pastebin.com/8C9aXEiG Image:
I read up on some Beginner Forums for Max 7 and saw that someone was having some trouble with dials. Apparently, they were using Max 6 instead of Max 7. Now I am curious to know what the difference between Max 6 and 7 are. Max 7 Forum