Projects made with Node Box
Hi, Francesca here again. The one problem I had with NodeBox was that unlike puredata, Isadora, or any of the VJing software I have come across is that I was not sure what to do with the images you create. Also, their are not as many people working with NodeBox compared to something like Processing which has a huge community of support. Still, on the NodeBox website I found some really cool ideas which were powered by NodeBox and I thought our class might like them.
The first one I saw that was really interesting is called Prism.
I am an artist who especially likes the study of color and color interactions so this was the right type of project for me.
The colors actually come from Google and you can harness the power of Google with a NodeBox library that communicates with the Google API.
The first one I saw that was really interesting is called Prism.
The colors algorithm (workname Prism) matches a color palette to any given subject. It retrieves colors for apple (which would result in soft greens, yellows and reds) with the same ease as retrieving colors for jealousy (which would result in bright yellows and sickly greens). Because Prism is a computer program, it makes no difference between both concepts: the two of them are just words it runs through its filters. It doesn't even understand the words. This works entirely different with humans: humans know apples are green and red, obviously, because we can see them.
I am an artist who especially likes the study of color and color interactions so this was the right type of project for me.
The colors actually come from Google and you can harness the power of Google with a NodeBox library that communicates with the Google API.
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