
Showing posts from December, 2010

Ideas for Digital Media?

Just wanted to pop in and post a video of Golan Levin on TED Talks... He's and artist and engineer who creates these programs that integrates the use of the body and sound to create art. Really cool stuff!!

A Thank You

Hey, I just wanted to say thank you Pat for the training and knowledge you gave us. Especially spending time working out kinks and frustrating technology. I really enjoyed this class. (=

Camtasia Studio

My group, Melaney, Chalanie and Andres, reviewed Camtasia Studio ( ) as part of our final project. We used the program to capture the output of our webcam windows going through Pd. We had originally tried another program but the webcam feed would freeze as soon as you started recording. When using desktop recording software this is something to watch out for, as if the program is too heavy on memory, processing, and or graphics requirements, it will pause or seriously delay other graphical instances going on. These programs are usually better suited for creating tutorials or such, where smooth movement of either the mouse, typing, or other desktop elements isn't a must. Camtasia studio on the other hand worked perfectly when recording the live webcam feed, even though our patch calls for 6 windows (five for effects) running simultaneously. We also recommend Camtasia as it is very, very easy to use. Once launched, on Windows, this is what the inter...

Matt, Karina and Christina's Awesome Patch!

Here's our patch! The class didn't get to see it, but what it basically does is add effects like aging, ascii, motion tracking and kaleidoscope to a .mov of your choosing while outputting and receiving MIDI data to and from Ableton. As our video we chose Animal Collective's My Girls . For blogging purposes we created a short video using Jing to show some of the effects, however the recording didn't capture the effects as fluidly as they actually appear on screen (the cube doesn't really twitch like that!) I had a hard time embedding the video properly so here is the direct link; Jing Recording: Video Sample  Our patch really fun to play around with. If you want to try it just make sure your video is encoded using Photo-JPEG. If you have Quicktime Pro 7 just open the video you want to use then; File> Export> Options> Settings (Under Video)> and set the Compression Type to "Photo - JPEG" This is what it looks like in Pd, a...

Contact Juggling as a Musical Instrument

Vilma here from the Cory-Danny-Vilma team! Below is a recap of our presentation today. Cory using contact juggling as a musical instrument through Pure Data and Ableton: The behind-the-scenes PD patch: And here's what's going on in Ableton:

Projects made with Node Box

Hi, Francesca here again. The one problem I had with NodeBox was that unlike puredata, Isadora, or any of the VJing software I have come across is that I was not sure what to do with the images you create. Also, their are not as many people working with NodeBox compared to something like Processing which has a huge community of support. Still, on the NodeBox website I found some really cool ideas which were powered by NodeBox and I thought our class might like them. The first one I saw that was really interesting is called Prism .  The colors algorithm (workname Prism ) matches a color palette to any given subject. It retrieves colors for apple (which would result in soft greens, yellows and reds) with the same ease as retrieving colors for jealousy (which would result in bright yellows and sickly greens). Because Prism is a computer program, it makes no difference between both concepts: the two of them are just words it runs through its filters. It doesn't even understan...

Introduction to NodeBox

Hello! Francesca from the Alexa, Francesca, and Marsha group here. I decided to take on looking at other graphics applications and languages because I had previously For this class I investigated NodeBox . Nodebox is interesting because it renders graphics and animation in Python . I'm not someone who knows very much about computer programming languages but I had at least heard of Python and knew that it was a widely used language. The way you create in NodeBox is interesting. The image on the left is from the first version of NodeBox. You can see the code on the right and the resulting image on the left. The code is pure Python. It's actually really fun and easy to get it to make shapes and colors. I could see this program being taught to give people with no programming experience a taste of what programming is. The second version of NodeBox was much better of an experience. This version has four panels on the user interface. It's easier to show a diagram so one I...

Linux Review

Hey everyone, Danny here. At Pat's suggestion I decided to dual-boot linux on my laptop to help with Pure Data. I've always heard good things about Linux, but also that it can be difficult for new users. The Ubuntu website made things incredibly simple through a .exe installer that did all of the work for me. Once this was set up I did run into some problems where my wireless card and sound card were not properly supported. With some help from Antoine (thanks again!) I was able to get the drivers I needed. Although over my head at the time, the wide variety of options you had through the command console was pretty amazing. It did take a little while to get used to the Linux interface, having been so accustomed to the windows desktop. However, there were some things that I instantly fell in love with. The Ubuntu Software center was the easiest way to get new programs that I've ever seen. Rather than having to search on the internet for new programs and applications, I coul...


According to UF: DIG 2931C – Section 79999 – Digital Media Studio – (undergrad) – Exam 13D DIG 6931C – Section 8001 – Digital Media Studio – (grad) – Exam 13 D Exam Group 13 D meets 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday Dec. 13.

DJ Spooky iphone apps

I visited DJ Spooky's website as Professor Pagano is teaching next semester's audio class and recommends a book by him (Sound Unboand). The DJ's site utilizes several avenues of multimedia information: streaming audio clips, phone QR codes, and applications for your ipod that you can buy and use to remix his works with. His dissemination of info on the site is quite innovative and he seems to be a great model for successfully getting his message out. His music is alright too...
Hey guys here is that creativity video I made for one of my classes I was telling you all about today. You can check out all of my videos at... Heads up: This video was made to show what I got out of my grad class... several references in the video were to "dead poets society" and on a technology article on how to recreate the wallet (essentially trying to get someone to think outside of the box)... Creativity Portfolio from Tim Difato on Vimeo .

Google Beatbox

How to use Google Translate (German to German) to make a beat box.