Final Project (Xuan)

This is what I did for the final project. It's a Animated GIF file. But, I don't know why it does't play after I posted it in this blog....I'll send you the file via email, Pat:)

The idea is "Protect our earth"! (because the serious enviroment issues now)

First, I imported this picture of earth into After Effect, I use CC sphere to make an 3D earth. Then I make it keep spinning..Then I use star burst effect to make the backgroud effect. After that, I saved it as a filmstrip file and then edited it in the Photoshop. I changed the color, contrast, hue and the light to make it seem poisoned which results from evironment damage.
In the whole process, I encounter so many difficulties, it was not easy as I thought. I failed to render the file for so many reasons, such as the image size, ect. In the end, I re-do the whole thing by using 1/3 of the original size image. Finally, I make it.!
I was planning to add sound for it, but the dreamweaver in my laptop doesn't work, so...
However, I found the "filmstrip" skill that Pat told us is very interesting! I'll keep learning and practice ^_^
Thank you everyone. Hope you all have a good holiday.


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