In 1982 Bill Viola posed the question "Will there be condominiums in data space?" Of course he also concluded his discourse with "Today, development of self must precede development of the technology or we will go nowhere -- there will be condominiums in data space (it has already begun with cable TV). Applications of tools are only reflections of the users -- chopsticks may be a simple eating utensil or a weapon, depending on who uses them" (p. 298). Just imagine if he'd experienced Second Life!? The condominiums in data space he discussed aren't just the literal condos we "rent" in the virtual world -- ok, so I'm a land baron -- but, it's all the data we store on our hard drives, jump drives, data inventories, and online through our websites, blogs, forums, social networking sites, Twitter, Flickr, etc., that create the stories and the memories of our experience and of our cultures. As he said, we are no longer the observers, we are no...