
Showing posts from November, 2009

Privacy Bingo

This is a recent story about a young Georgia teacher, Ashley Payne, who was fired over what was on her Facebook account, even though it was her personal account with the permissions set to the highest priority level to prevent public viewing. She is now in the process of suing the school district for reinstatement to her position at Apalachee High School in Winder, GA. The offense seems to center around a photo of the teacher on vacation with an alcoholic drink in her hand and a comment that she was about to go out and play a game called "Crazy B___ Bingo". The photo and comment were copied and forwarded to the Barrow County superintendent by a parent. Clearly this incident reflects the value system of the administration, because the cited "offensive" content would be perceived quite differently in another locale.

Tweet Wars: PLease discuss

For ED: Processing and Puredata: Gombology

Hey this post is for Ed, who has been trailblazing with posts and work inside processing. Please think about extending Processing with Pure Data if it suits the project. check this out I'll try to get this working today... pp

Vague Terrain

Hey everyone please check this new Digital Arts Related blog.

Come slide with me

This is a fun short video that I made with ToonLoop. It only took a few minutes to do, but attention to detail is the key with this stop motion animation!

Flickeur Project (pronounced like voyeur)

These images are from a project called Flickeur, found on, which randomly displays montages. The original images are accessed from Flickr and appear on the desktop.

Hyerupic: Sound from RGB Data:MAC USERS

Here is Hyperupic a computer Program written by Christopher Penrose for Mac OSX that makes sound from pictures. UPIC is a computer system, devised by the late Iannis Xenakis and his researchers at the CEMAMu in the late 1970s, which allows the composer literally to draw the elements of the score using an electromagnetic pen. This one uses jpegs loaded in and arcane values to tweak wierd music!

ALSO OSC is taking over Is taking over. Isadora uses it, pure data uses it. My mom said she was going to use it to cook Thanksgiving Dinner remotely from her iphone. The apps listed here might be a little advanced for the focus of this class but Grads please feel free to explore the Apps included there!


Hello Everyone Well I was disaapointed to find that ToonLoop only worked well on Macintosh computers. Our Mac users are welcome to explore the usage of toonloop for your mini project(s). Think of the mini project as an add-on for your webpages or as a bonus avenue for your final presentations. Those of you who have PC computers, please go here and pick an application to study for a week. I will go over the site in class tomorrow and we'll explore the beginnings of CODE:ART. has been around for quite a while and has a HUGE variety of materials to explore. Pat

Drawn From Life

A radio DJ I know believes that current Rock music is based on two albums: the “Revolver” album by the Beatles and the “Music for Airports” album of Brian Eno. Born in 1948, Eno is a pioneer of experimental and ambient music, and is widely cited as coining the latter term. In 1996 he and others founded the Long Now Foundation to focus the public on the future of society in the long term. A writer, visual artist, and musician, Eno continues to produce creative work and influence digital culture.

Most Pixels Ever

here is a multi-screen library for Processing